Exhibition A Wild Love that Ruins Our Peace. Photographs by Manuel Blanco / La Casa Encendida, 2019

A Wild Love that Ruins Our Peace La Casa Encendida (Madrid)

A Wild Love that Ruins Our Peace is a curatorial proposal that explores the possibility of using artistic creation to introduce something which the capitalist discourse has always rejected and which the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan detected and called “the things of love”. In the capitalist discourse, where everything is apparently possible and there are no limits, a certain type of love may irrupt and destabilize the prevailing totalitarianism.

Placing a special emphasis on the love which exposes the impossibility of the sexual relationship, of the complete and perfect union with another, and which in turn avoids transforming things into a mere form of merchandise, the project examines the possibilities of resisting a system that is pure death drive. It will therefore present proposals which, through a type of love that does not seek to become one with another, attempt to do away with the logics of calculation and earning as well as with power relations.

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