
Some Letters Make the Night Last a Moment Longer La Casa Encendida (Madrid, 2020)

Correspondence between artists, directors and creators, curated by Sergi Álvarez Riosalido for La Casa On. The authors, who haven’t met before, exchange filmed letters, united by a desire to attain a certain intimacy and share it from a distance. The correspondents will be Rita Azevedo Gomes and Antonio Menchen; Valentina Alvarado and Nazli Dincel; and Mariano Llinás and Matías Piñeiro.

In this proposal, three pairs of visual artists who work in the field of experimental film and art will maintain three parallel dialogues that share a common theme: distance, not only as a condition of possibility for keeping up a correspondence, but also as an issue that affects us in the present moment. Therefore, from the outset there is an awareness of the fact that letters are texts which always seem different when we return to them and, if we haven’t already shredded or burnt them, offer new readings marked by memories and desires.

The correspondence will be posted on a weekly basis and will be available on the Vimeo channel of La Casa Encendida and on the web of La Casa Encendida.

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