
An Image Emerges from the Deep. Carl Gustav Jung and Aby Warburg, A Comparative Study Forma, revista de estudios comparativos

This paper aims to carry out an approximation to such enigmatic and complex works as The Serpent Ritual by Aby Warburg and Carl Gustav Jung’s Red Book, in the hope that a meaning can arise out of confronting both works. By taking these authors’ shared references as a starting point, it will be possible to establish certain relations between Jung’s collective unconscious and Warburg’s concept of survival, since their common territory is the notion of image. Both feel a deep fascination for the world of images, one of them from the perspective of art history, the other working with the human soul, whose natural form of expression is, in his view, precisely the image. For both Warburg and Jung the image is intimately linked to a moment of crisis, and thereby it is imperative to question those images that emerge from the deep to soothe one’s suffering.

Attached document: Imagen profundo.pdf

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